What is EpilepsiNett?

EpilepsiNett - Norwegian network for evidence-based epilepsy care, was founded at the Norwegian National Centre for Epilepsy in January 2019, supported by a grant from the Research Council of Norway as a part of the Norwegian Brain Health Strategy. The network consists of a multidisciplinary reference group and a research group.

EpilepsiNett has three main trajectories of work:

1. Registry-based research. Providing evidence for patient centered epilepsy care, with the main focus of preventing dropout from education and work.

2. Needs-based epilepsy follow-up. Establishing needs-based epilepsy follow-up using patient reported outcome measures (PROMs), ensuring a national standard for this type of follow-up.

3. Community-based care. Diminshing the gap between specialist care and the patient's home environment by establishing standards for communication between epilepsy nurses and public health nurses at schools.

You can get in touch with EpilepsiNett through our contact form. We will be happy to hear from you.